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ACL Injury: Should I Have Knee Surgery?

ACL injury is the injury of the knee ligament. Injury of the ligament is painful and sometimes turns into a frozen knee. An ACL injury is treatable by doing adequate rest, physiotherapy, and pain medication. But sometimes, the candidate gets the knee replacement by prescription. In which circumstances is knee surgery advised to treat the ACL injury that requires more clarity?

Regarding this, the discussion was held with the top-most Orthopedist in Delhi. The doctor shared a detailed guide on ACL injury and when it leads to knee replacement surgery. Based on those insights, this blog has been prepared. So, you are advised to go through this post and learn about ACL Surgery. 

What is ACL?

ACL refers to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament. It is the key element of knee formation. It plays an important role in making the knee moveable. The ACL can be injured while playing on the ground, dancing or caused by any accident. Based on the type severity ACL injury can be classified into three categories. These are- 

  • Grade 1- It is a mild injury to the ACL. It may lead to pain in the ligament while stretching or moving the leg.
  • Grade 2- It is a moderate ACL injury in which multiple fibers of the ACL and shipbone get torn. But the situation remains maintained while moving the leg.
  • Grade 3 - This is the most painful and severe ACL injury. It leads to the breaks of ACL and shipbone fibers. Grade 3 ACL injury makes the knee unable to move.

Symptoms of ACL Injury 

An ACL injury can be indicated through various signs & symptoms. Some of these indicators are as follows-

  • Severe pain in the knee joint
  • Swelling around the knee
  • Unable to keep leg balanced
  • Difficult to walk or stand up

Causes & Treatment of of ACL Injury

The following factors usually cause Grade 1 and Grade 2 ACL injuries

  • Age 
  • In the absence of physical activities
  • Arthritis
  • Deficiency of bone and muscle nourishment   

ACL injuries caused by the factors mentioned above are reversible by taking rest and pain medication. But Grade 3 ACL injuries caused severe damage to the knee ligament and shipbone, requiring surgical procedures. 

ACL Surgery

An orthopaedic surgeon usually performs ACL surgery. The surgeon will examine the degree of ligament tear through an X-ray report. Based on the scan report, candidates can be advised to get the knee replaced. Knee replacement is a surgical procedure to replace the damaged or the total knee with an artificial knee to improve one’s walking. To get more details about knee replacement or ACL Surgery in Delhi, one can get help from Simpain Ortho. 

Simpain Ortho is a platform for you to connect with the best orthopaedic doctors. It will facilitate you to arrange your appointment online and transportation facility to visit the clinic. To get more details, you may call Simpain Ortho today. Reference Link -

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